Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Here are a few pictures from my vacation in Cuba!

Fiction or Fact

In class we discussed a variety of media; mainly television shows. I think that many of these shows cater to our fantasy of living lavish and exciting lives. I personally watch shows like "One TreeHill", "90210" and "The Hills" because I find them enteratining and a great way to unwind from my day. I am currently very intrigued by this show called "True Beauty"; it is about several contestants who compete and go through a series of tests to prove who is the most physicaly attractive. The twist of the show is that contestants are judeged on their character rather than their outward appearance. I think this show is excellent because with so much media perpetuating physical appearance as what is valued most, we want to foster people with kind and compassionate hearts. I think that televison programs have the power to send meaningful messages and still be entertaining, howver at the end of the day we have to develop an understanding of what is fiction and fact; real world versus fantasy.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Kids Today!

Today in class we discussed the fast past society in which we are growing up in. Many children are cultured to rely on technology as their main source of communication, social network and education tool. As mentioned in our text book "Rethinking technology in schools" by Domine the term "technology" must be redefined as being the medium of knowledge. With this definition, I believe it is important to recognize that technology and education go hand in hand. I understand that technology is not and should not be this foreign concept to us as teachers but rather a continuing dialogue between people and the tools we use to facilitate our lifestyles.

I believe that because we are constantly surrounded by a sea of knowledge accessible at the click of a button, technology can be very influential. I recognize that media has a massive influence on the way we think, and so do production companies or else they would not spend millions on 30 second ads. I cannot count how many times I have seen a new product advertise on television and gone out to buy it; thus the issue is not the advertisement but rather the fact that I am able to ask myself critical questions such as why did I buy it, need it or want it? I think that while technology is rampant in our society it doesn't have to take on the form of some sort of invasion; it just means we as adults, parents and educators have to take a more active role in socializing today’s youth about making conscious and responsible choices when it comes to technology.

I grew up on television shows like, "Sesame Street" and "The Magic School Bus" which are wonderful educational tools for children. It is for this reason that I think that media should not be viewed or expected to replace the teacher or parent but instead help to facilitate the education process. I can relate to all four of the technology perspectives because each view offers a valid concern. While as a celebrant I am eager and willing to embrace technology, I recognize that I have to be an educated consumer, just as efficiently as a cultural critic. Technology has changed the way we communicate, the language we use, loss of face to face interactions but we have to understand this is the time in which Kids today are growing up in. It is happening but I believe the answer lies in us as educators being able to open up a dialogue, and keep ourselves informed about what our Kids today find relevant to their lives.


Welcome! Everyone has something to say!
During the course of this semester I intend to refelect on Media technology and the impact it has in my life. As a teacher I feel that it is my responsiblity to stay on top of what today's youth are faced with and find ways to incorporate those elements that are meaningful to them into my classroom.

This is my platform to speak my mind, READ & ENJOY...
