Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Exploring Media: Digital Photo Album"

My Life as a Seventh Day Adventist

The one thing in my daily life that has remained constant over the years is my faith. Although my practice as a Seventh day Adventist is one aspect of my existence it affects many areas of my daily life. The pictures I have chosen illustrate how my religion impacts my day to day life and my learning outcomes outside of school.

Family worship is very important in my family, although we all have very busy lives my mother makes sure that at least once a week on Friday’s we gather together to welcome the Sabbath. When I was younger my mother and father would make sure to wake up myself and 5 other siblings around 6 o’clock for prayer to start the day. This was something I was too young to appreciate but now having the family all together every Friday is one of the many memories I cherish. This aspect of my life teaches me the importance of family as a safe base to learn from each other and communicate.

Every Friday I prepare a Sabbath meal, iron my clothes and make sure to get everything ready before the sunset. Even scheduling my classes at McGill have to be taken into consideration because once the sunsets on Friday I must be prepared to welcome the Sabbath. During my Sabbath hours (Friday sunset to Saturday sundown), I abstain from watching television, or using my computer and this observance is called my day of rest to show my appreciation to God for keeping me safe during the week. I used to believe that I lost a good two days of studying on the weekend because of my Sabbath but I now can appreciate that the time I spend resting rejuvenates me for the work I have ahead. The Sabbath teaches me to take time to enjoy life away from the fast paced world.

My faith influences the music I listen to, the food I eat and even the books I read. Although I listen to R&B, Reggae, and Pop music, I especially appreciate Gospel music because I am always reminded to carefully guard my mind with positive messages. Although my parents are completely Vegetarian I am not; however, my faith practices do influence the foods I eat. I do not eat pork, lobster, shrimp and several other listed foods in the Bible. My Bible teaches me about the importance of healthy eating habits. My favourite book is the “Holy Bible”, in fact my family’s most prized possession is the Bible my mother's father gave her that was his father’s; it is especially precious because both of them are dead and yet this book will live to teach for many generations to come. The Bible is my favourite book because it teaches me many things I need to know to live a fulfilling life.

Every Saturday I coordinate morning activities and teach classes for the children at my church. This is something I truly enjoy and having the opportunity to share my beliefs with the youth in my church and be a role model for them gives me a satisfaction beyond any material gains. Through working with these youth I learn how to become a better teacher.

Painting is a hobby that I really enjoy, my most favourite things to paint from are God’s creation and I take advantage of being outdoors especially in the summer to become inspired. On the wall in my living room is my favourite prayer about accepting life as it comes and making an impact on the world for the better where I can, I believe it is through this prayer I seek to become a great teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Your photo album itself is strong enough to tell what you want to say. Your writing supports it well. Here is my suggestion though in terms of organizing your paragraphs. 1. One thing important....2. Family worship is important... 3. That influences music I listen to, meals I eat, hobbies I enjoy.... 4. More importantly organizing the Sabbath hours. 5. Friday... 6. Saturday... Try to throw in some conjunctions between paragraphs.
