Sunday, February 8, 2009

Media Soilders

What is war? Do we really know? War to me is ugly and never really justified. Many of us only know of war, myself included from what we see in the media and what we read in the history books. But whose history are we learning, only that of America or of the world? As mentioned in our text in chapter 6 our ideas of war are plagued by movies like Rambo, showing one side of history, making our enemies look like savaged demons. Last I checked it takes two to tango. Before 9/11 Bush and his administration were warned of terrorist attacks; however, those warnings were arrogantly ignored. After the attack CNN and many news stations feed us the mission of conquering Osama in Afghanistan, the next thing we hear is the hanging of Hussein. WHAT!? I’m no genius but did America go totally off course? While I won’t cry for Hussein because he met his faith, I am still distraught that nearly 9 years later we are still watching babies loose their mothers and fathers; we are still witnessing children leave the earth before their parents at a rapid rate. Let’s not also forget that more of Iraqi children have died since this war; some part of the war holding rifles bigger than them and others merely living out their childhood. Who wins the war? I can’t help but feel nobody is a winner; too many lives were lost and will be lost for there to ever be a winner, shall we count the dead bodies to tally a score perhaps? While I am hopeful that President Obama will bring this war to a close, I wonder if we have yet learned from our past mistakes. In the famous words of Marvin Gaye Perhaps "War is not the answer". This war has gone on for too long while Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan's love affairs plague our news stations; surely those dying for our freedom deserve more press cover. CNN does its best but are we really interested in those dying overseas when we can find out the latest beef between Beyonce and Etta James?

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