Monday, March 2, 2009

Changing with the Times

Chapter three of our text “Rethinking Technology in Schools” discusses the rapid growth of life changing technologies within the past 50 years. I am rather interested in this topic because as a teacher these continuous changes have an effect on the way we teach. I believe that it important to keep up because it will allow us to be more effective in the way we impart knowledge. It can become overwhelming to stay on top of all the new gadgets and gizmos, so where do we draw the line and how do we know what are relevant and most important to include into the pedagogy. I remember a while back during one of the school shootings cell phones which were prohibited in the classroom, became a comforting source of contact for worried family members.

Domine states “arguably one of the most controversial and influential communications technology to date is the internet.” (56) I believe the fear surrounding the internet is valid because of the easy access other people have to our youth; with a visit to someone’s Facebook page which many children have, predators can easily access vulnerable youth. Although the internet requires consistent monitoring, I have used programs such as the smart board and several educational sites (ABRACADABRA and within the classroom with students as young as six. The educational value was very apparent because students were able to practice and apply basic skills they are leaning within the classroom. As a teacher I think it is my job to keep students interested and even if that means changing with the times and adapting old with new methods.

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